Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Baker Family Redneck Reunion

Last weekend was Shon's Baker Family Reunion. The Baker's are Shon's moms family. They have a camping reunion every year. These last two years we have borrowed a nice trailer from a wonderfully generous fellow, my friend Emily's dad, and it has made the camping sooo much more enjoyable.

This year the theme was Redneck. I must say I didn't embrace the idea as some of SHon's relatives did, but we tried. Shon's cousin Chad did amazing at being a Redneck.

This is the welcome rocks the boys and I made for our camp. We actually won for the best redneck welcome sign. It was fun.

There is always a lot of card playing at these reunions. The Baker's love to play and are very good!!
Cam snuggled right up on Grandma's lap by the fire one night and fell right to sleep. Doesn't she look to be in heaven. What is better than that?
Zack with cousin McKinlee. These two played a ton together. They share a mutual love of catching bugs of all sorts. Here they had made a little grasshopper "corral". They played with these bugs for hours.
Our attempt at looking like rednecks. I know not too great. Shon did a pretty good Larry the Cable Guy impression!!
Ty giving the pinata a whack!! THat is the trailer we borrowed right behind the pole. Soo nice.
Cameron even gave it a try and thought it was fun!!
Poor Ty got some battle wounds from our trip. Sunday while everyone was packing up and getting ready to go, the kids were riding there bikes. The place we stayed had a paved road in and a whole big parking lot for trailers and such. Lots of asphalt to ride on!!! The kids really loved it. Well, Tyler and one of his cousins crashed into eachother and both hit the pavement very hard. Tyler got mostly road rash, but Braxton just hit hard. He is only two, and he good a black eye and a big goose egg. He is okay, though, just looks really bad. It took a while to get Ty calmed down so we could doctor him up, but this is right after we got the bandaids on.
This is the next day when I took the band aids off. Pretty yucky. It is looking pretty good today though, no more oozing. He felt so bad about Braxton, just kept worrying about him. But when we told him he would be okay, he felt better. Kind of a scary ending to the fun weekend, but it was a great reunion!!

A fun summer...

We have had a pretty fun summer. It has actually kind of flown by. It has been stress full with Shon job change and things, but we have done some fun things. We have attended a few family reunions, actually less than we usually do. Made a few long trips, which were fun.

Shon had a conference for his work the third week in July in Boise. We stayed with Shon's sister Janae and it was so fun. They had just moved into a new house and it was fun to see. We went swimming while we were there in a really nice outside pool. It was over 100 degrees there so it was perfect to swim. The kids loved it!! They were so brave and jumped in a ton. Cameron even loved it.

We spent some time the next weekend with our friends Tom and Emily at her dad's cabin in Island Park. Man, it was fun. We rode 4-wheelers a ton. Some how I didn't get any pictures of us doing that. It was so incredibly nice and generous of Emily's dad to let us play with his toys and stay in his great cabin. It was a great weekend away.

We rode the 4-wheelers to Big Springs, which I have not been to since we were married 12 years ago. It is the start of a natural spring coming out of the mountain. There is a cabin there that a man built and a water wheel that he used for energy. Right under this bridge that we are on are HUGE fish. It is amazing how big these guys are. The kids loved seeing them. We fed them and some birds bread and it was so fun.

Checking out the huge fish. This is a much better view.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hello...to all who might have missed me

Well, it has been a long time since I posted anything here. Sorry to my sisters who are about the only ones who check this anyway. I just haven't felt like doing it lately. And somehow Cam has changes some setting so when I am on the internet, some pages are tiny and I can't even read them. That is why I haven't been commenting on peoples blogs because I can't see anything. I finally figured out how to tweek it a little, but it still isn't right. So here is our summer at a glance. (the pictures are chronologically backwards, sorry) This top picture is at the zoo. The boys love the zoo!!

Shon had a birthday. It was a fun one. He is now 34!!! WOW
Tyler played real baseball this summer. He was so excited. It was pitching machine. I have never watched one of those things working. Those balls come pretty darn fast at those kids, but Ty did so good. He loved it. I think that baseball is his favorite sport. Just wish that the season lasted more than a month in the summer.
Tyler had a birthday!! Big 7!! I can't believe how much he has grown up and matured. He is definitely amazing to me everyday. Man, the kid is smart and such a big helper. Cameron loves him and Ty helps me so much with him. Don't get me wrong, he still whines and complains and sometimes makes me want to strangle him. But he is kind and sweet most of the time!!

Ben and Heidi cam to visit in June when Bryan and Mary blessed Payton. It sure was fun. The boys had a blast all together. We did a lot of outside things. This is at a park where there is a pretty stream that goes through it. This tree limb goes all the way across to the other side. The boys where scared at first to climb on it, but soon lost their fear and loved it.
This is 7 of my parents 10 grand boys. Very cute, I think.

Our summer has been very busy. But we have had fun. It started out really stressfull because of a job change opportunity for Shon. It all turned out just fine. His job now is really good. I am so incredibly proud of him. I can't really explain in words my feeling of how grateful I am to have married such a hard working, dedicated man. He has worked his tail off for as long has I have known him, in school and work. And it has payed off. His new job is a very much deserved promotion and I know he will excell at it, as he has in all that he has done.