Sunday, November 18, 2007

Pregnancy Photo Update

It seems that everyone is very interested in Holly's belly. They want to be notified of the progression of this little boy. Here is the latest belly update. She is feeling huge and uncomfortable. We went to church and she couldn't get comfortable. This baby has the hick ups alot. Shon thinks that babies can't have hick ups because there is no air. He is wrong which happens often. Some of the names suggested by the boys for this baby are. Ramone (after the Cars movie), Gordon, Sam (Movie Transformers), Joey (he just likes that name always has), While doing this blog Jofess he liked it. I am not sure if any of these names will be selected just wanted to let you all know what the boys were thinking.


Emily K. said...

You are beautiful. And, not as big as you say that you are. Your bottom half still looks really skinny. I can't wait to see what your little boy's name is, and what he looks like.

Natali Jolley said...

I vote for Ramone! or Joey! You look adorable Holl!
