Last night I was finally getting to posting pictures of our trip to Seattle, and I was too tired to write about them so here I am.
Our trip to Seattle was so great!! We headed out on Thursday the 26th first thing in the morning. We really debated whether this was the best time because we were worried about Cameron. But morning it was and I think all the boys did very well. We had to make a lot of stops though because Zack had a serious case of diarrhea (that is a hard word to spell!!) Poor kid. And he wouldn't just go on the side of the road. We took almost all the exits in Oregon, I think. But we did make it that night. He seemed to be better once we got there. But Cam was having problems. Need less to say we went through a lot of diapers.
We did so many things, but it was just so great to see Emily and Jake and their kids. Their house is so cute and they live in what looks like the woods. I love that about Washington. You drive in neighborhoods and it really looks like a camp ground in the woods, but with homes. I never do get used to not knowing which direction I am going though. All you see is trees.
We went into Seattle a couple times and it was just awesome. Seeing that city amazes me. It is so huge, but right there on the water. You see tons on sailboats and stuff right next to huge buildings. We went to Alki beach and flew kites and looked for shells. It was cold but very fun. I love to see the big ferry boats!!
We also went to the Original Red Robin. Jake's sister Jessi is the manager there and it was so cool. It is a very small building, but has all the original stuff from like 1960 or something. Right on the water.
It was so great to take a little vacation. Shon says that we really don't ever go on vacation cause all we do is go visit family, but I still think it is vacation. I loved spending time with Emily and her family. They are always such great hosts and make us feel so welcome. Thank you so much for having us. Wish we could so it more often. We sure love all of you guys!!
P.S. The cool green building I am standing in front of is a place featured on Diner's, Drive In's and Dives on the Food Network. We drove about 45 min to go to it, but they were closed because they were catering a party (you know the Hawaiian kind that I can't seem to remember the word right now. With hula dancer and all that) We went to the Old Spag Factory instead. I was soooo disappointed. That was the main reason we went to Washington.