Friday, January 23, 2009

An "Okay, this is worth it" Moment

You know how sometimes when you are in church and you have 3 very rowdy boys that are not being quiet and 2 of which are saying "I don't like church. Let's go home" "I don't want to go to class today" and the like? Okay so this is almost every Sunday. And I wonder, "Now why am I here? Am I getting anything out of this today? How can I possibly feel the spirit?" And I think "My kids need this. I do need this and somehow you will get something from this." So I stay and make it the 3 hours, sometimes feeling a little frazzled when I get home.

A conversation in the car made me realize that it is worth it. Zack was in the back seat and Cam was too, asleep. And Zack gets talking (those of you who know this about Zack, I groaned just a little). But this is how it went:
Zack: "Mom, do you know what CTW stands for?"
Me: "No, honey. What does it stand for?"
Zack: "Choose the wrong."
I didn't even think he knew that wrong started with a W.
Me: "That's right, honey."
Zack: "I know you know what CTR stands for. It is easy. Choose the Right."
Me: "That's right, honey."
I know I say honey way too often!!
Zack: "Satan stands for the wrong Mom and I know who stands for the right. Jesus and we should always choose Jesus."
My heart was full and melting at this point. This conversation went on for about ten minutes till we got to the store. Then after the store he went on. He asked so many questions and it almost amazed me at how much he understood. It was really cool!!


Kristie Taylor said...

awww.... that really is so rewarding! I bet you were just as proud as could be. :) I have heard that kids are sponges and no matter if you think they are paying attention or not, they still manage to learn from almost everything!;)

Celinda said...

What a blessing it is to have such a talker as our little Zack. He has got an amazing little mind. What a proud moment. Tell everyone that this Grandma loves them. Sounds like your piano lessons are going great.

Emily K. said...

Yes, we have always all been amazed at Zacky's mind, and the way that it works. What a special little guy you have in him. So perceptive, funny, and imaginative. What a sweet, sweet story. Thanks for sharing.

Alison said...

When they finally get it ... it's worth it. The thing is, we never know when that will be. Yeah Zack!! Way to go for sticking in there. It's hard to wrestle them all the way through church, by youself, but it seems to be working. Those moments are priceless.

Natali Jolley said...

You just have really great kids because they have a really great MOM! Oh zack, I love him. And I love you all!

Travis & Nicole said...

Dont you love it when a plan comes together. Its nice to know that some of what we tell our kids sinks! Its also nice to know that our kids arn't the only ones who act like that in church....This will say trigger but its from Travis and Nicole